It is time to take a new stance on the planet. One in which you join and participate in these changes. Welcome them. Work with them.
It is the resistance to change and transformation that is causing more suffering and more damage than the actual events themselves.
It is time to put down the fear and step fully into the glory and power of transformation itself. Just as the act of birth can be experienced as painful, it can also be experienced as an act of great power.
The emotion that indicates an embracing of the power of universal forces is exaltation. Humans can experience this in the face of a magnificent storm, a full moon or wind surfing with the elements of water and air. A negative expression of exalting, is obsessively watching the news, rehashing over and over the “awfulness” of the situation in your mind and not moving forward to what’s next.
Ask questions about why events such as the recent earthquake in Japan occurred from a place of openness and understanding that there is a greater plan versus from a place of fear. Asking questions releases resistance. And it brings in solutions that can very quickly aid in recovery with less than expected damages.
Hold a stance of compassion for those who have undergone a major event to support them into moving out of shock, yet affirm in your heart their ability to recover quickly. The Japanese who experienced the tsunami are still in shock, while those who only experienced the earthquake are in denial. Like linking arms together for the game of “Red Rover, Red Rover” while an outside force slams into the human wall and is absorbed by all, supporting the Japanese in an emotional stance of compassion and affirmation will allow them to absorb the shock and quickly begin to rebuild.
In that major earthquake Earth birthed new life forms that will begin to evolve and be part of her future. If this does not occur, then Earth herself will someday be lifeless. Like the strongest contractions coming at the end of labor, the transformations that Earth needs to make now to be where she needs to be in the future are coming to a peak in this year and part of next. However, just like birth there are contractions, although they are less intense, after the act of birth as well. It will be several years before things settle down again.
Align yourself to this change and transformation on the planet by embracing change and transformation in your own life. It is important to note that change by itself is not necessarily transformative. To become transformative, there must be an upward movement of consciousness. If you just change one set of circumstances for another without improving your overall condition, this is not transformation.
By embracing transformation instead of resisting it, you align to Earth and have the power to soften other possible events. You are also in right timing, as all transformation takes place in the present. This allows for a quicker response in right action. Humans have a great gift for creating form very quickly. Without resistance, without addiction to emotional drama, creating form quickly to address the challenges will ultimately lead to unique solutions that will be addressing other problems that are ongoing.
There are many of you who still have contracts to exit at this time as well as though of you who are so fearful you are ready to jump out of your skin. Those with contracts to exit may ask to release those contracts. Those of you who are ready to bolt at the first sign of the “end of the world” are invited to pay attention to not what is passing away but what is coming in. That is the nature of transformation.
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