Healing by energy at long distances can be very effective. Distant healing promotes the wholeness and balance of the organism and its resistance to illnesses and weakness. Moreover, the energetic balance prevents physical and mental illnesses. Distant healing discharges harmful energy from human energetic systems; normalizes many physical, mental, and emotional conditions; and restores and maintains health. It makes the physical organs and body systems stronger and healthier. After the distant healing, people feel renewed and full of energy. Distant energy healing is as effective as any other types of energy healing. It is a powerful healing tool for your and your relatives health management on an everyday basis.
The distance method has invaluable advantages. When we heal a person face-to-face, we feel in front of us equal energetic systems where the energetic imbalance occurs temporarily, interfering with healing energies. The effectiveness of the energy influence at close distances can be even less than when healing at a distance because of the interfering energy fields. At a distance, we increase our energetic influence greatly, because we mentally put the image of the person in the space at no more than eight inches in height or draw the healee's energetic image and perform healing and balancing, using the same techniques as at a close distance.
Distant healing really belongs to the Integrative Medicine of the future. It may be used to help people to recover quickly after operations, restore people's energy and health in hospitals, and even prevent any illnesses and imbalances. Distant balancing and energy work can be used to balance and heal people and pets. When you master in this method, you will be able to relieve many conditions, such as headaches, any pain, and stress in yourself or your relatives in a few minutes, no matter how far away the healee will be. While our minds effectively control bio-energy at any distance and our thoughts may be healing, let's benefit from the distant healing and balancing in an everyday life.
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