
I love making jewelry and soap with a purpose. I am a certified energy and crystals therapist and I infuse all of my goods with energy with the intent to help revitalize lives with powers of the earth.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Qi Gong Movement

Did you ever a meet a person who is engaged and actively living his or her soul purpose? Such a person radiates calmness, grounded energy and a natural joy about life even when difficult circumstances arise.
How can you cultivate and root your spiritual self such that you also manifest this kind of bright elevated energy?
Essential oils can be very helpful in changing the vibration of energy.
Often, people might carry the energy of old karma, spiritual lessons and energetic consequences from past experiences or life times. Oils such as frankincense and myrrh are resin oils that can heal old lessons and wounds.
Other people might store the energy of experiences in their spleens and stomach, manifesting chronic digestive issues. The oils of clove, cinnamon, and nutmeg can be helpful to nourish and soothe the spleen, especially when combined with “liver friendly” oils such as peppermint and lavender. When the spleen is rooted, the spiritual intelligence held in that organ can bloom to increase your sense of intuition and higher knowledge that comes from a more solid energy connection with God.
How is spiritual intelligence different from cognitive intelligence? Spiritual intelligence is information and understandings that come from your spirit and do not necessarily follow logic. It is that sense you get that perhaps you should take an alternate route of travel, and later find out there was a horrible accident on the usual path you take. Thus, spiritual intelligence is more intuitive than logical, while cognitive intelligence tends to be more logical than intuitive.
Spiritual intelligence is also responsible for those who have gifts in the spiritual and energetic arts without formal training or exposure to the techniques of these arts. For example, my oldest brother can fa chi (a skill used in martial arts to move an opponent without physically touching the person) but he has not had any exposure to this art or training. So, one might say his spiritual intelligence provides him with the knowledge of this skill because it does not come from any cognitive exposure to the art.
When we are able to allow ourselves nourishment emotionally, physically and spiritually, our spleens root our spiritual intelligence, and we naturally become more intuitive and trusting in our approaches to life. Our perception of stress then decreases, which then furthers even more balance with the spleen.

Qi Gong Movement

Another way we can root our spiritual self is through qi gong movement. The “Open Heart Qi” movements shown on the online DVD on the National Qi Gong association website, is a wonderful practice to open the heart and spirit so that you can receive God’s blessings and abundance more fully in terms of rooting your spirit and calming anxiety.
Anxiety tends to rise when we do not have a strong connection through hearts and faith in our ability to walk and create the life that God intends for us to live. Doubt, insecurity, sadness, low self-esteem can energetically unroot our spirits in the heart center and lead us to a more stressful space where we worry and feel anxious.
Performing the “Open Heart Qi” movement can help release egoic feelings and thoughts that do not serve growth, and build and bloom aspects of self that are fully aligned with faith, and a higher will. Thus, true confidence blooms

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Make a Stance

It is time to take a new stance on the planet. One in which you join and participate in these changes. Welcome them. Work with them.
It is the resistance to change and transformation that is causing more suffering and more damage than the actual events themselves.
It is time to put down the fear and step fully into the glory and power of transformation itself. Just as the act of birth can be experienced as painful, it can also be experienced as an act of great power.
The emotion that indicates an embracing of the power of universal forces is exaltation. Humans can experience this in the face of a magnificent storm, a full moon or wind surfing with the elements of water and air. A negative expression of exalting, is obsessively watching the news, rehashing over and over the “awfulness” of the situation in your mind and not moving forward to what’s next.
Ask questions about why events such as the recent earthquake in Japan occurred from a place of openness and understanding that there is a greater plan versus from a place of fear. Asking questions releases resistance. And it brings in solutions that can very quickly aid in recovery with less than expected damages.
Hold a stance of compassion for those who have undergone a major event to support them into moving out of shock, yet affirm in your heart their ability to recover quickly. The Japanese who experienced the tsunami are still in shock, while those who only experienced the earthquake are in denial. Like linking arms together for the game of “Red Rover, Red Rover” while an outside force slams into the human wall and is absorbed by all, supporting the Japanese in an emotional stance of compassion and affirmation will allow them to absorb the shock and quickly begin to rebuild.
In that major earthquake Earth birthed new life forms that will begin to evolve and be part of her future. If this does not occur, then Earth herself will someday be lifeless. Like the strongest contractions coming at the end of labor, the transformations that Earth needs to make now to be where she needs to be in the future are coming to a peak in this year and part of next. However, just like birth there are contractions, although they are less intense, after the act of birth as well. It will be several years before things settle down again.
Align yourself to this change and transformation on the planet by embracing change and transformation in your own life. It is important to note that change by itself is not necessarily transformative. To become transformative, there must be an upward movement of consciousness. If you just change one set of circumstances for another without improving your overall condition, this is not transformation.
By embracing transformation instead of resisting it, you align to Earth and have the power to soften other possible events. You are also in right timing, as all transformation takes place in the present. This allows for a quicker response in right action. Humans have a great gift for creating form very quickly. Without resistance, without addiction to emotional drama, creating form quickly to address the challenges will ultimately lead to unique solutions that will be addressing other problems that are ongoing.
There are many of you who still have contracts to exit at this time as well as though of you who are so fearful you are ready to jump out of your skin. Those with contracts to exit may ask to release those contracts. Those of you who are ready to bolt at the first sign of the “end of the world” are invited to pay attention to not what is passing away but what is coming in. That is the nature of transformation.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vapor Therapy

Vaporization and fragrance therapy 

Since essential oils have their own therapeutic benefits, they are used in fragrance therapy, and although this may be a slightly controversial subject, research has shown some very interesting results of how essential oils when diffused in the air.
Vaporizing the essential oils forces the molecules to become airborne, where we then can benefit in two ways - we trigger our limbic system through our smell sensation by means of the olfactory bulb, plus we can absorb them when we breathe them into our lungs, where they are also absorbed by the body.

The benefits of vaporization is to help with 

  • Respiratory tract problems
  • Treating throat infections
  • Eliminating catarrhal conditions
  • Relieving mental and physical fatigue
  • Reducing tension and anxiety
  • Calming the nervous system

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Crystals Healing Works

How in the world can a rock help us to heal? The idea of a stone healing a human being must seem ridiculous to anyone who has yet to experience it. There was a time when I was also skeptical—not just skeptical, but would laugh if you even suggested that rocks, minerals or metals could do anything but just sit there. It could maybe look pretty. It must have been quite a while ago.
healing crystals
I have a pile of raw gems next to my bed, and sleep with a beautiful ocean jade under my pillow almost every night. Next to my bed are aragonite, quartz, amethyst, and copper—to name a few. I can absolutely understand how it would seem absurd that these stones actually do anything outside of appeal to the eye. A skeptic would likely chalk all this “healing business” up to imagination—which, hey—imagination is a good thing too, so if it works, go for it! It is true that gemstones can heal us.
Anything and everything is a potential healer. To understand this, it is important to first have some sense of how the natural holistic healing process works. First off, when we speak about the body, we are including the subtle bodies (i.e. the physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual bodies). Some things are obvious, and some things are subtle (less obvious). “Subtle bodies” is just another way of referring to the experience that surrounds your thoughts, feelings, nuances, and emotions.
Keep in mind that our entire bodily system is nothing more than energy that shows up in various patterns and densities. Our thoughts and our feelings are connected to our physical bodies and have a density of their own. We are all built pretty much the same. Diversity has its place, and we are all individuals, yet nature created patterns that work the same in all of us to keep our hearts beating, our blood flowing, and so on. When these patterns of energy work together in a balanced way then we experience our health.
These patterns can be disrupted. When this happens we experience poor health. This can be anything from a headache to the worst that you can imagine in terms of poor health, even disease. Hence the popular splitting of the word (dis-ease) for harmony feels good and disharmony doesn’t. Balance is easy on us, and imbalances feel not at ease, or dis-eased. Nature will heal itself if it can. It will if we let it. It is ourselves who distort this harmony with our lop-sided outlooks and behavior. Correcting this lop-sidedness one way or another is what healing is all about. Healing it in a natural way is much preferred.
Anything with an inherent harmony can act like a tuning fork to our poor patterns and challenge us to retune ourselves to return to the original organic natural patterns of energy that belong to our bodies. A good piece of art can work wonders, as well as music, dance, a pleasant person, or anything else exhibiting integrity in terms of energy patterns. Anything can heal us if we are open to suggestion by external tuning fork of another’s harmony. Receptivity is a necessity. Being open to it is the key.
Gemstones radiate pure patterns. Gemstones resonate with unmatched consistency. Gemstones sing their incredible songs of structure, balance, wavelength and frequency and can bring us back into harmony. Raw energy establishes patterns on an initial primal scale when it takes the form of subatomic particles. These particles combine and cooperate to produce atoms, molecules and minerals. Mother Nature ushers forth all that is possible in the natural world, building up its complexity from the mineral kingdom to the plant kingdom and on to the animal kingdom. As human beings, our bodies are an incredible and complex masterpiece of nature’s organization and balance.
Plants also have their healing properties. They too perform a special magic in terms of reminding the body of harmonic patterns in regards to fluidity and flow. There energy is a moving one, while gemstones remain relatively the same and whose patterns are incorruptible. Each has its place. Herbal remedies are more connected to the sophistication of feelings with their fluid nature. Gemstones are more suited to tune the inherent pattern and are a reliable and consistent source of pure frequency and pattern. How does all this work on our bodies?
Nature repeats itself over and over again. Once it finds a pattern that works, it builds on it. Every kingdom and species less complex than our human form is in a sense a testing field for patterns and systems that work. We are all us, the entire natural world built with the same patterns—the same materials. This is how we can heal each other. The patterns are the same, yet the integrity can falter. Getting close to beings with a high integrity is good for us, and helps us to align to that integrity.
Each stone resonates with a slightly different pattern geometrically. These same geometric patterns reside in our systems, organs, etc. To hold a Rose Quartz up to our heart is to ask the structural patterns active in our subtle bodies to align themselves and operate effortlessly and with purity. Any unresolved heart issues will be challenged to break up, allowing us to let go of whatever is distorting our energies. One often experiences a flash of imagery around the past experience that initially caused the distortion.
Gemstones are living creatures. They are active participants in nature. Protons, neutrons and electrons are flying around in an absolute bliss of balance and participation, upholding patterns of sacred geometry. Yes, geometry is sacred because nothing could be built in the natural world without it. Biology is math. Nature is an exploration of possibility through patterns that work in balance, creating the living, behaving, and interactive world that we all live in—in and through.
Healing is often a matter of recovering our bodies inherent harmony by letting go of what we are holding onto— our own ideas about how, where, when, what and why—mental frameworks that have us behaving in inorganic ways. Our organic ways are right there to be expressed and experienced effortlessly. Mother Nature takes care of it all, if we can only learn to respect her and surrender to her wisdom—the wisdom of spontaneity, joy, accepting all others as equal, and together sharing in her abundance.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Types of Energy Healing

Energy Medicine is a term used for holistic healing therapies that are focused on manipulating "life force" to bring about balance and wellness. Some energy-based modalities involve practitioners using hands-on techniques. Other therapies involve non-touch or absentia treatments. Specific areas treated are the aura, human energy field, chakra and the meridian system. 
(c) photos.com
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.  

(c) Phylameana lila Desy
Meridian Tapping Techniques repair blockages or disturbances in the body's energy system created by negative emotions. A person chooses a specific emotion such as feeling anger, frustration, embarrassment, insult, or belittlement to focus on prior to the tapping session. During the tapping sequence the person focuses on the emotion to be reduced or cleared while also making positive statements to offset the negative emotions.

Ryan McVay / Getty Images
Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most commonly used holistic medical procedures in the world. The word 'acupuncture' describes a variety of procedures involving stimulation of anatomical points on the body by using a variety of techniques. Acupuncture points are believed to be points that allow entry into channels. This is to redirect, increase or decrease the body's vital substance, Qi (pronounced Chi) and restore balance on an emotional, spiritual and physical level.
Kolaimni is a non-touch form of energy medicine. A trained Kolaimnist will work with her hands within the body's electromagnetic sheath (human energy field), approximately one half to one inch over the physical body. Short manipulative strokes infuse restorative energies into the recipient. Kolaimni's methodology has been described as an "etheric massage."
George Doyle / Getty Images
BodyTalk is a complementary therapy based on the theory that the body has the wisdom to heal itself. BodyTalk communications are based on neuromuscular biofeedback. This is also similar to tapping or muscle-testing used in kinesiology. Through the communications the Body Talk practitioner identifies "energy circuits" within the body that are weakened, stressed, or broken.
Pete Gardner / Getty Images
ARC Therapy is a holistic healing system which combines diagnostics and energy treatment to bring balance to the mind/body. An ARC practitioner uses detection filters and pulse testing to identify blockages and imbalances. Tuning forks are applied to re-harmonize and return balance to areas where energy flow is lacking.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Zen Meditation

In the world of global intimacy, Zen Meditation may be one of the few lifelines left for holding onto personal sanity.  Zen meditation is the practice of sitting in preparation of calming your body and mind and opening yourself up to discovering insight into the nature of your being. This is a mouthful but basically it means, as you sit in prescribed positions, and close your mind to thought and images and, after a period of time, your heart rate will slow, your breathing will become shallow, and you will pass into a reflective meditative state.
With the use of Zen Meditation, deliberate thought, contemplation, and reflection, you can create a synergy that connects all aspects of your being – the body, the mind and the soul. The energy needed to strengthen the synergy is accomplished through the practice of Zen Meditation.
In your practice of Zen Meditation, your mind will be only in the moment. You will not  be thinking about the past or the future.  You will not be thinking about how to get your work done or what you should have said to that guy who cut you off in the grocery line. You will be thinking thoughts like, “my nose is itching”, my leg hurts in this position,” the sun is beautiful”.
You are in the moment, only reacting to what is happening now. If you think about this, you are not thinking at all. You do not have thoughts. You do not have ruminations about things you should have done. You are not having reflections about your life.

If you are interested in starting to see what it is like to practice Zen Meditation, here are nine steps to get you started.
Name your breaths i.e., breathing in - breathing out
Pay attention to when your in and out breathes become deep, you will feel peaceful at this point
When you breath in, think about your body, when you breath out, relax each part of your body, one part at a time, starting at the shoulders
When you breath in, you calm your body parts that are known to you in that moment, when you breath out, you feel compassion for all of the needs of your body
Relax the facial muscles, one at a time, and you send a half-smile to all parts of the body
Tune in to your body and relax any muscles that are still tense
When you breath in, you think about joy, the joy of being alive, the joy of breathing, the joy of seeing, the joy of hearing
Go back to being with your in breath and your out breath so you are back in the present
Steady your sitting position as at this point, you are the master of your mind and body.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The History of Energy Healing

For thousands of years, indigenous cultures have seen the human body as an energy system with the innate ability to heal itself. It is only in recent decades that modern-day physicists have uncovered scientific evidence that supports these ancient beliefs.

The discoveries of quantum physics and its understanding of energy fields have changed the ways healers view disease and has opened up unlimited options for treating illness. In the late 80's, the Brugeman Institute in Germany coined the phrase "bioresonance therapy," a therapy that works with biological signals stored in the body. The prior work of Voll and Morell were coming full circle; bioresonance therapy is but an enhancement in a continuum of knowledge.

Hans Brugeman states: "The view imposed on us by the Age of Newton, that the human organism is put together out of parts like a machine which perform their work independently of each other is no longer tenable." He continues: "The idea can be quickly outlined: all diseases and their preconditions are accompanied, or to be more correct, caused by electromagnetic oscillations. There is no pathological phenomenon without the presence of pathological oscillations in or around the body."
Our body is the best healer, provided we re-organize its energy field. According to the laws of quantum physics, the energy field surrounding the body not only represents the body, it is the body. If we reorganize the energy field, we re-organize the body.  Induce a healthy energy field and the body will respond in kind.